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#8 Now Done AND Live · 4:00pm Sep 25th, 2016

Sorry for the long wait and delays.

And a special thanks and sorry to my editors for the glacial response times. The chapter wouldn't have been half as good without you guys, and I'm sorry I've been so busy lately. :raritywink:

Now I only need to try not gnawing my nails to the bone on the wait to the responses to the first update in over a year. :raritydespair:


#8 Done! · 3:34pm Aug 7th, 2016

Final count, before editing and counting author's notes: 17585 words, 48 pages.

And it only took me one year, half a million words slash about a thousand pages in scrapped outlines, and most of my remaining sanity! :pinkiecrazy:

Hopefully the thing should go live later the coming week, depending on how the editing goes. Been a while, but hopefully they'll all still be available slash still interested.

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